Ready? Set? Grow.

NeurOptimal® Neurofeedback & Your Performance

  • Work & Collaboration

    By reducing distractions and quieting mental chatter, neurofeedback may help you concentrate better on tasks (leading to increased productivity and efficiency), promote emotional regulation (allowing you to stay calm and focused under pressure) and enhance cognitive flexibility (leading to improved creative thinking and problem-solving abilities).

  • Athletics

    Neurofeedback may help with heightened mental focus and concentration (staying focused and present in the moment), improved motor skills and coordination for enhanced athletic performance, and faster recovery after training and potentially help reduce the risk of injuries.

  • Performing Arts

    Neurofeedback may help reduce performance anxiety and stage fright common challenges for performers, enhance focus and flow state for mental clarity and focus, and increase creativity and self-expression to connect with audiences on a deeper level.

  • School

    Neurofeedback may help students concentrate better on lectures, improve their ability to absorb information and enhance academic performance. Measurement outcomes of student performance can also be improved through reduced test anxiety and dealing with the stress and challenges in the learning environment.

NeurOptimal® is safe and easy to use

It's important to remember that NeurOptimal® is a training tool and does not diagnose, treat, mitigate, prevent or cure any disease, disorder or abnormal physical state, nor does it restore, modify or correct the body’s structure or functioning. If you require medical assistance, please seek the advice of your physician.

If you want to learn more about NeurOptimal® neurofeedback, please schedule an appointment with our team.